01-07 プロ野球

Q. 日本のプロ野球について説明しなさい。リーグ名、リーグに所属するチームの数、日本一のチームの決め方も述べなさい。

キーワード league champions(両リーグの覇者) a best-of-seven series(日本シリーズ) the Japan Championship(日本一のチーム)


There aretwo leagues in the Japanese professional baseball, the Central League and the Pacific League.Each of the leagues has six teams. First league champions are decided and laterthe two champions play to determine which is the Japan championship.


two leagues in the Japanese professional baseball と the Central League and the Pacificは同じものをあらわしていますから、つなぎはコロン:の方がいいでしょう。

 the two champions play to determine which is the Japan championship:a best-of-seven series をなんとか工夫して使ってみてください. 例 the two champions joined the best-of-seven Japan Series to decide the Japan Championship.  

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