509)9.日本文学: 2007年9月アーカイブ

09-08 ノーベル文学賞



There is two Japanese who won the Novel prize for literature. One is Yasunari Kawabata and the other is Kenzaburo Oe. Mr.Kawabata’s famous work is YUKIGUNI or what we call “ snow country” in English. Mr. Oe’s best known work is Kojintekina taiken or what we can see the translation of “ personal Matter” in English.


There are two Japanese です。

what we call は余計です。Yukigguni, or snow country   Kinintekina kankei or personal matter と or を使って英語でどう言うかをしめします。

09-07 町人文学

Q. 江戸時代の町人文学について説明しなさい。


町人文学 townsmen's literature

女遊び womanizing   人間の欲望 human lust

庶民の夢 fantasies of the common man

義理と人情 love and duty


In Edo period, the “Townsmen’s literature” was flourished. Mainly because the merchant class gradually gaind their economic power. The feature of this literature is, “subject is very closely related to the lives of the town people. There is two famous writer, one is Mr.Saikaku Ihara and the other is Mr, Monzaemon Chikamatsu. Saikaku wrote such as gambling and womanizing to describe human lust in plain language and with considerable realism. Monzaemon wrote about love and duty.


Mainly because とペリオドにして、文を始めるのはおかしいです。was flourished mainly because と続けます。

gaind は gained が正しいスペリングです。

The subject of the literature is clasely related to the lives of the town people.で十分です。The feature of...は余計です。

There are two famous writers でしょう。

09-06 平家物語

Q. 平家物語について説明しなさい。いつ頃の作品か?どんな内容でその背景にある世界観は?


平家一門の栄華の様子と滅亡の姿 the splendor,  downfall, and final ruin of the Heike clan.

栄華を極める revel in glory  滅びる to be deposed

世界観 a view of the world

仏教思想に根ざす to be rooted in Buddhist concepts


Heike monogatari is the story, the splender, downfall and final ruin of the Heike clan. The story rooted in Buddhist concepts. It express the end of the Heian period and began to warrior period. It express everything is deposed someday even if it reveled in glory.


story of the splendor, downfall and final ruin of the Heike clan と of でつなげないと意味がおかしくなります。splendor は er でなく or ですから注意してください。

express ではなく describe を使ったほうがいいでしょう。封建時代はfeudal periodと普通は言います。It describes the age from the end of the Heian period to the beginning of the feudal period.

The story rooted in Buddhist concepts that everything will be deposed someday even if it reveal in glory now.

09-05 着物の原型



下着 undergarments  

神主 priest   神子 shrine maiden


Present kimono was undergarments worn by the Heian nobles. When you go to a shrine to attend a wedding ceremonoy, you can see the priest or shrine maiden who always wear the kimono of the nobles in the Heian period.


09-04 源氏物語

Q. 源氏物語について説明しなさい。いつ頃の作品か?作者は?どんな話か?


宮廷 the imperial court   女性遍歴 love affairs  

平安宮廷文学の頂点 the apex of Heian Court literature

教養 cultural accomplishments   

貴族 nobility


Genji monogatari is the love story of the imperial court. It is written about love affairs of the prince Hikaru Genji. It is the apex of Heian Court literature. We can understand cultural accomplishments and lives of nobilitly. It is written by Murasaki Shikibu.


英語で言いかえられるものは or を使って言い換えておいたほうがいいと思います。作者は最初に言ったほうたいいでしょう。いつごろの作品なのかは書くべきだと思います。
Genji Monogatari, or the Tale of Genji ,is the love story of the imperial court writtten by Murasaki Shikibu in the Heian Period.

nobilityはthe nobilityで貴族階級全体をあらわします。

09-03 百人一首



畳の上に並べる to spread out on the floor


It’s a card game played in the New years using 100 cards. Each cards has “waka poem” from the Heian period written on it. The cards are spread out on the floors and when the reader start reading a verse, the player try to get the card with the verse and pick it up before anyone else. The player who can get card most is the winner.


最初は代名詞でなくHyakuninisshu is と何について説明するのか明らかにしてください。New Yearと両方大文字にするか、new yearと両方小文字にするか統一したほうがいいでしょう。 Hayakuninisshu is a card game played in the New Year using 100 cards.

Each は単数でうけますからEach cardでしょう。poemは数えられますから a をつけます。Each card has a waka poem from the Heian period written on it. 

pick it up はとりあげることによって手に入れるといいたいのでしょうから、the players try to get the card with verse by picking it up before anyone else.とします。

09-02 短歌

Q. 短歌について説明しなさい。奈良時代の有名な歌集は何か?


歌集 anthology


Tanka has 31 syllable. The famous anthology of the Nara period is Manyoshu.


最初の文でpoemやverse formなどの言葉が抜けると何のことかわかりません。できれば五七五七七のパターンも説明してください。
Tanka is a 31-syllable verse form with five lines in a 5-7-5-5 pattern. 

09-01 俳句



世界一短い型の詩 the world's shortest poetry form

音節 syllable


Haiku is regarded as the world's shortest poetry form. It includes 17 syllables with 3 lines in a 5-7-5 line pattern. Haiku was perfected in the 18th century. A Haiku always has a meaning of the season of one year.


最後の文で日本語であるHaikuには A は普通はいりません。季語ははっきり説明しなくてはいけません。
Haiku always has a word symbolizing the season of a year.と word という単語が入ったほうがいいでしょう。