
07-01 日本の自動車

Q. 日本の自動車が海外で人気がある理由は何か?

キーワード 故障が少ない to be trouble-free   燃費が良い to get excellent gas mileage


Most of Japanese car are trouble-free and get excellent gas mileage.


Japanese cars are popular abroad because they are trouble-free...と始めたほうがいいでしょう。

Q. 日本の製品が品質がすぐれており、技術力が高い原因は何か?(6つ要素をあげよ)

キーワード 品質の良い工業製品 high quality industrial products  

技術力の高さを保つ maintain high technical standards

精緻につくる細工品 finely crafted things

異質なものを組み合わせる combine unrelated things

技術を組み合わせる integrate techniques

生産現場 a shop-floor

品質管理 quality control

コスト切り下げ cost reduction

不良品の絶滅 elimination of defective products

市場に普及する penetrate into the market

長期雇用慣行 long-term employment system

短期的業績 short-term results


There are some reasons for high quality industrial products and for maintaining high technical standards in Japan. First we have been good at making finely crafted things such as "bonsai" (a plant) or sensu (a folding fan). Second we can combine unrelated things.

