
10-01 歌舞伎

Q. 歌舞伎の起源、特徴について説明しなさい。


 総合演劇様式 integrated theatrical form    阿国歌舞伎 Okuni kabuki

女形 male actor who specializes in female roles


Kabuki is an integrated theatrical form and it origined Okuni kabuki. It was performed by men and woman but now it's performed by only men. The male actor who specializes in female roles in called 'oyama'.


origin は名詞です、動詞はoriginate です。Kabuki is a traditional integrated theatrical form and it originated from Okuni kabuki.

過去と現在の違いを出すには used to を使うといいでしょう。woman は複数形にする必要があります。
 It was performed by both men and women but now it's performed by only men.

10-02 花道・回り舞台



舞台の延長 extension of the stage  

回り舞台 revolving stage 


There are some characteristic things in kabuki. One of them is a "hanamichi" or an extension of the stage which is a raising platform stage extending from the main stage through the audience. It can make the actors closer to the audience. Another is a "mawari-butai", or a revolving stage. It helps change the stage quickly.


things より equipments くらいの方がいいのではないでしょうか。

an extension of the stage があれば which is a raising platform stage extending from the main stage は必要ないと思います。
an extension of the stage through the audience か a rasing platfrom extending from the main stage through the audience.かどちらか一方で十分です。

2つのものを説明する時、片方が one であればもう一方は the other です。another は3つ以上のものの他のもののうちの1つをさす時に使います。

10-03 能



シテ principal actor    面 mask   

詠唱 recitative chants   

象徴的な様式化した演技  symbolic and highly stylized acting


Noh has a principal actor. They wear masks and do symbolic and highly stylized acting with recitative chants.


能は日本の伝統演劇だということをまず言わなくてはなりません。 謡曲のことを説明してください。
Noh is a traditional Japanese theater perfected exclusively by men to the accompaniment of recitative chants called Yokyoku.

いつごろ盛んになったかについて書けと指示があります。It became popular among the warrior in the 14th century.

シテは面をかぶり豪華な衣装をつけることを説明します。The principal actor wears a mask and a gorgeous costume.

特徴を述べるときはcharacterizeという単語が便利です。It is characterized by the symbolic and highly stylized acting.

10-04 文楽



人形劇 puppet theater   (人形を)動かす to manipulate

語り narrative ballad     人形使い puppeteer


Bunraku is a kind of puppet show that has flourished since 17thcentry. The puppet are one meter or one meter and a half in height and each is manipulated by three puppeteer. One manipulates the head and right hand, one the left hand and one the feet. The story is regulated in a special chant called “JORURI”.


century のスペリングに注意してください。

The puppets are と複数形にします。 three puppeteers とこれも複数形にすべきです。

regulated でなくて related でしょう、規制されているわけではないでしょうから。

10-05 落語



はなし家 story teller   江戸時代 the Edo period  

 落ち punch line


Rakugo is a comical and funny story of the people's life in the Edo period told by a story teller. There is a punch line in it.


いいと思いますが、story と told by a story teller が離れてしまっているのでくっついていたほうがいいでしょう。間の部分は独立した文にします。
Rakugo is a comical and funny story usually told by a professional story teller. The theme is usually a humorous incident of the people's life in the Edo period and there is a punch in the story.

10-06 狂言



滑稽な comic    幕間 interlude


the Kyogen is a classical comic or mime drama. which reflects a social life of commoners and the like. In adittion to be performed as its own perfect form, the kyogen is also perfromed as an interlude of the kabuki.


日本語にはtheはつけません。kyogen, kabuki と無冠詞で使います。


In addition to のあとは動名詞です。スペリングにも気をつけてください。歌舞伎の幕間ではなく能の幕間でに演じられます。
In addition to being performed as complete program, kyogen is also performed as an interlude of Noh theater.


観世流 kanze school    尺八 bamboo flute   楽器 musical instrument