10-02 花道・回り舞台



舞台の延長 extension of the stage  

回り舞台 revolving stage 


There are some characteristic things in kabuki. One of them is a "hanamichi" or an extension of the stage which is a raising platform stage extending from the main stage through the audience. It can make the actors closer to the audience. Another is a "mawari-butai", or a revolving stage. It helps change the stage quickly.


things より equipments くらいの方がいいのではないでしょうか。

an extension of the stage があれば which is a raising platform stage extending from the main stage は必要ないと思います。
an extension of the stage through the audience か a rasing platfrom extending from the main stage through the audience.かどちらか一方で十分です。

2つのものを説明する時、片方が one であればもう一方は the other です。another は3つ以上のものの他のもののうちの1つをさす時に使います。

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