09-06 平家物語

Q. 平家物語について説明しなさい。いつ頃の作品か?どんな内容でその背景にある世界観は?


平家一門の栄華の様子と滅亡の姿 the splendor,  downfall, and final ruin of the Heike clan.

栄華を極める revel in glory  滅びる to be deposed

世界観 a view of the world

仏教思想に根ざす to be rooted in Buddhist concepts


Heike monogatari is the story, the splender, downfall and final ruin of the Heike clan. The story rooted in Buddhist concepts. It express the end of the Heian period and began to warrior period. It express everything is deposed someday even if it reveled in glory.


story of the splendor, downfall and final ruin of the Heike clan と of でつなげないと意味がおかしくなります。splendor は er でなく or ですから注意してください。

express ではなく describe を使ったほうがいいでしょう。封建時代はfeudal periodと普通は言います。It describes the age from the end of the Heian period to the beginning of the feudal period.

The story rooted in Buddhist concepts that everything will be deposed someday even if it reveal in glory now.

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